Essays: Perspectives on writing, publishing, and those things related.
FAQ: The Frequently Asked Questions—and answers—about my writing.
Links: Categorized listing of specific articles, opinion pieces, and resources I think are helpful for writers.
Hi, I found your info in the web. I try to ask to fb. But i dont want other read this. Im been married for 6 years and is very difficult for me to understand my husband. In the beginning I thought i can change him people does not change. Very frustared with that, maybe because i do not understand, obviously him . after we married he told me he was not interested in sex or intimacy. Is frustrating because my principal love language is touch and him is quality time. When I read about you, i was wonder if you can told how deal with this situation. Love my husband, but i cant deal witg that. Thank you in advance if you can read my message and my respect.
That sounds like a difficult situation. It’s good you know that people can’t be changed. If you feel like this relationship won’t work if you can’t have intimacy through touch, you may decide to go your separate ways, but I know you love him so you’re looking for ways to both be happy together. I have a video about asexual relationships that you can watch if you want to. It gives some suggestions for compromise if one person does not want to include sex and the other one does. Here is the video.
Long-term relationships and asexuality