Editors at Mindbodygreen decided they wanted to feature some writing about asexuality and they chose (and modified) one of the pieces I gave them permission to reprint from my Tumblr.
Category Archives: Articles
Article (Reprint): “Asexual, Aromantic, Partnerless, Child-Free… And (Yes!) Happy”
Everyday Feminism contacted the editor of my February Drunk Monkeys piece and asked to reprint it on their site. This is pretty exciting since they get a huge amount of traffic!
They did modify my wording slightly (specifically, they chose to use “child-free” instead of “childless,” and I don’t really like identifying as “child-free,” though technically it describes me).
Please read “Asexual, Aromantic, Partnerless, Child-Free… And (Yes!) Happy” on Everyday Feminism.
Article: “Asexuality is Not a Diagnosis”
I’ve just published a new article in Psychology Today. It’s called “Asexuality is Not a Diagnosis.”
Read the article here!
It’s about six things people say when trying to “scientifically” debunk asexuality which actually are not scientifically motivated at all.
Article: “Asexual, Aromantic, Partnerless, Childless – and Happy”
The smart and quirky literary/blog zine Drunk Monkeys accepted my short piece “Asexual, Aromantic, Partnerless, Childless – and Happy.”
It’s a personal essay about how other people’s obsession with changing me has actually been more of an impediment to my happiness than anything these folks can attribute to my lifestyle and inclinations.
Check out the article to read my perspective!
Article: “Asexuality and the Health Professional”
I published my first blog in Psychology Today, where I’m now installed as a blogger. (See my profile there if you like!)
Because of the nature of the magazine, I decided to tackle health professionals’ responsibility to asexual clients and how they should be educated on this subject if they’re going to treat us.
Please read “Asexuality and the Health Professional.”
Article: “Enjoy Your Houseful of Cats”
I got an article published in The Toast today.
Please read “‘Enjoy Your Houseful of Cats’: On Being an Asexual Woman.”
This article is about my personal experiences being asexual in a very sexualized world, discusses the intersection of femininity and asexuality, and examines the prejudices and misconceptions behind some of the poor treatment I experience.
Article: Asexuality and Sexual Fluidity
Another article of mine was published in Good Vibrations today.
Please read “Asexuality and Sexual Fluidity.”
Appearance: The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post has decided to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. They kicked off by featuring a video by the new asexuality YouTube channel, Everything’s A-Okay.
And I happen to be one of the asexual people who contributed to the video! The brief text part of the article it appears in also includes one quote from the video, and it happens to be something I said, though it was uncredited in the article.
Please check out “‘Everything’s A-Okay’ — Celebrating Asexual Awareness Week.”
Article: Asexual Relationships
Another article of mine was published in Good Vibrations today.
Please read “Asexual Relationships.”
Article: Why Should the Sex-Positive Community Promote Asexuality Awareness?
Another article of mine was published in Good Vibrations today.
Please read “Why Should the Sex-Positive Community Promote Asexuality Awareness?”
It was published in association with Asexual Awareness Week.