Ace Week 2023: Asexual Characters in Fiction

I’m doing a live YouTube event to celebrate Ace Week on Friday, October 27, 2023, at 7:30 PM Eastern. I’ll be discussing asexual characters in fiction.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and I’ll read out examples of ace characters that viewers have encountered. Will discuss if the representation is good and what we want to see more of in ace fiction! The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel:

Book Panel: A Room of One’s Own I AM ACE Panel Discussion

I was a panelist at A Room of One’s Own’s book panel for the I AM ACE Panel Discussion.  This panel, organized by Caide Jackson, featured Cody Daigle-Orians with their new book I AM ACE, along with fellow ace activists Ashabi Owagboriaye and me. We covered some asexuality-related topics and some content-creation-related topics and then took questions from the crowd. Very well attended and a lovely time. You can watch it on replay.

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Spoke at “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People”

I was a featured speaker at the “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People” panel at the University of Massachusetts’ Stonewall Center, sponsored by SpACE+ (the ace-spectrum group at the university). This panel, organized by Genny Beemyn, featured Yasmin Benoit, August Huber, Leon Friedman, and me.

Ace Week 2021: Asexual and Aromantic Adulthood


I’m doing a live YouTube event to celebrate Ace Week on Friday, October 29, 2021, at 7 PM Eastern. I’ll be discussing mature life as an aromantic and asexual person.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel: Ace Week with Swankivy: Asexual and Aromantic Adulthood!

An Ace Evening with Swankivy 2020

I’m doing a live YouTube event today to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. I’ll be kicking it off with some thoughts I have on asexuality-related nonfiction.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel: An Ace Evening with Swankivy 2020!


An Ace Evening with Swankivy

I’m doing a live YouTube event (my first time!) to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. I’ll just be sitting down to an evening with my webcam and I’ll start by sharing some discussions of how media handles asexuality, good or bad.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. It’s a chance to talk to a pretty seasoned ace activist about subjects that might not be covered all that commonly, but it’s also fine if the talks devolve a little into other things. I’ll try to keep it mostly on topic but there’s no telling what will happen.

You can sign up for a reminder and tune in 8 PM Eastern on Friday, October 25. The finished video will appear here when the event is over.

Spoke at LGBTQ+ History Month at Wellesley: Asexuality and the LGBTQ+ Community: Past, Present, and Future

As mentioned during the planning stages, I spoke at Wellesley College on October 14, 2018. I had an excellent time being hosted by the Wellesley Wildcards, who showed me incredible hospitality and made me feel very welcome through an overnight stay, a presentation, a lunch and dinner, and a hangout with the students.

Here is a video of my presentation.