New Completed Short Story: “Karma Is Dead”

A short story I started in 2023 has finally wrapped its first draft. The slightly altered current draft title is “Karma Is Dead.”

Weird experience writing a story over the course of more than a year, but even weirder that it just kept getting longer when I didn’t think there’d be this much meat to the story. I am used to my word counts getting away from me a bit, but in this case I was balanced between “I need to stay under X word count” and “I need the story to say everything I want it to say.” I didn’t want to cheat the characters out of satisfying interactions because I wanted a shorter story. So I figured to hell with it and let it do what it wanted. I’m sure I’ll slim it down in editing, but it’s just going to have to be one of the longer ones. It’s over 20,000 words.

I’ve sold exactly one story that was in the neighborhood of 15,000 words. 20,000 is going to leave you with options that are only for novelettes and anthologies that aren’t picky about length–I’ll have a lot more opportunities if I can trim this one down REAL good. We’ll see what we can do.

On the story itself, though, I found it really interesting to write a character who isn’t much like me in many major ways, but has some similarities to me that translate into me understanding what it’s like to be her. She’s not like me because she’s pansexual, writes fanfiction, and (frankly) is on the immature side (not in everything, just some things). She IS a lot like me because she writes a lot, had a mom who mocked and criticized the things that mattered to her deeply, and is a giant fan nerd (mainly about one thing). I do wish I had figured out what I deserve in terms of respect as early in my life as she did.

I’ll be hoping to get some beta readers who read and write fanfiction to weigh in on whether I did okay making the character authentic even though writing fanfic is a thing I have literally never done.


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