“What happened before Sleeping Beauty slept?”
Genre: Fantasy (fairy tale retelling)
Length: 115,000 words
Status: Shelved for now
Notes: Book 1 of a trilogy
Once upon a time, there was a bad fairy. . . .
Delia Morningstar never intended to become a fairy-tale villain. So maybe the other fairy kids in her magick school think she looks a little too much like her creepy human ancestor. So maybe she’s a little precocious. So maybe she’s a black magick prodigy and has talents for seeing the unseen. So what? It doesn’t mean she’s a bad person. And it doesn’t mean she deserves the blame for cursing a princess.
As Delia presents her side of the story, this so-called “bad fairy” delivers a journey through her childhood, detailing her hunger for excellence, her feud with three “good fairies,” and her early mastery of the dark arts. Delia’s quest to bring her passions to light in an oppressive world only yields disappointment and heartache; all her hard work earns her nothing but misunderstanding and a dangerous vendetta with the light fairies. How can she show her kingdom that the shadow deserves a chance to shine?
Bad Fairy: Book 1 is the first volume in a planned trilogy.
Okay, so I know nothing about this how~it~becomes~a~book process. When will I know and how do I learn details on the date I can expect to get to read this trilogy. I will wait forever if I have to, but it would be nice to have an idea. If the answer is keep checking here on this site, then I will. I guess I’m just trying to understand and with the knowledge maybe I can learn to be patient. Thank you ~~Dave
As of this writing it does not have a book deal yet! My agent is querying publishers. Until one makes an offer and we find out the terms, there is no way to tell when it will be published. However, once there is news, I’m sure it will be on this site, on my YouTube, on my Twitter and Facebook, and everywhere else I discuss my work. Promotional events will take place as I lead up to the release, should I get an offer and a book deal!
In the meantime I’m going to start reading -1. It’s going to take me a while to get caught up to the current episodes so maybe that’ll help me with the waiting for Bad Fairy. Still amazed at all you’ve done. Dave
Sounds like a great book, I don’t wanna miss it so I shall check your blog often to keep up with the progress. 🙂
I wish I could read this for free.