My Elemental Personality Quiz wasn’t working for quite a while because the plugin I was using was abandoned by its creator and stopped functioning with my website configuration. Good news: I finally found a new one that works!
The Elemental Personality Quiz has been part of my “Extras” section since I first started my site, and it’s remained one of the most popular places people visit! I decided to make a special effort to find a solution today because it’s associated with my fantasy series Bad Fairy and I’ve had that story on the brain lately. The protagonist of the series has a very formative “elemental studies” program in her fairy school education, and it seems to be one of the things test readers pointed out as enjoying and remembering the most. So I made the elemental quiz as a tie-in for my readers to enjoy.
Y’all should go take the quiz and see what type you are now that it’s working again!