New Completed Short Story: “Karma Is Dead”

A short story I started in 2023 has finally wrapped its first draft. The slightly altered current draft title is “Karma Is Dead.”

Weird experience writing a story over the course of more than a year, but even weirder that it just kept getting longer when I didn’t think there’d be this much meat to the story. I am used to my word counts getting away from me a bit, but in this case I was balanced between “I need to stay under X word count” and “I need the story to say everything I want it to say.” I didn’t want to cheat the characters out of satisfying interactions because I wanted a shorter story. So I figured to hell with it and let it do what it wanted. I’m sure I’ll slim it down in editing, but it’s just going to have to be one of the longer ones. It’s over 20,000 words.

I’ve sold exactly one story that was in the neighborhood of 15,000 words. 20,000 is going to leave you with options that are only for novelettes and anthologies that aren’t picky about length–I’ll have a lot more opportunities if I can trim this one down REAL good. We’ll see what we can do.

On the story itself, though, I found it really interesting to write a character who isn’t much like me in many major ways, but has some similarities to me that translate into me understanding what it’s like to be her. She’s not like me because she’s pansexual, writes fanfiction, and (frankly) is on the immature side (not in everything, just some things). She IS a lot like me because she writes a lot, had a mom who mocked and criticized the things that mattered to her deeply, and is a giant fan nerd (mainly about one thing). I do wish I had figured out what I deserve in terms of respect as early in my life as she did.

I’ll be hoping to get some beta readers who read and write fanfiction to weigh in on whether I did okay making the character authentic even though writing fanfic is a thing I have literally never done.


New Short Story: “The Witch Next Door”

A story idea occurred to me today while taking the trash out and listening to the neighbor’s kids screaming while playing outside.

Fortunately, I can’t hear the kids’ screaming while I’m inside, but it reminded me starkly of the terrible experience I had living downstairs from a very loud family back when I lived in an apartment. They were incredibly inconsiderate and so catastrophically loud that my ceiling fan would BOUNCE because they were stomping and vibrating the floor (my ceiling) so much. I took videos and recordings of this (noting that they sometimes went until after 1 in the morning), and the apartment manager insisted that it “wasn’t against the rules” and “I can’t do anything because they pay rent.” (Literally what she said to me.) When I continued to complain and their final suggestion was that they could move ME to a different apartment, I said to hell with it and moved out of the apartment. Last thing I want to do is reward these people with more of my money. In my written statement of intent, I specified that the ONLY reason I was moving out was the noise disturbance; that I had tried to resolve it and they were not cooperative. I found out afterwards that they had entered my reason for leaving in their records as “resident is moving out to go back to school.” LITERALLY MADE UP A LIE so they wouldn’t have to say they were part of the problem.

It’s enough to make you wish you could set a curse on your neighbor. I guess.

I ended up writing a story in which a witch next door does just that.

For some reason my original conception of the story got away from me pretty quickly. I’d initially conceived it as two witches living next door to a loud family and each wanting to handle it differently, and having a philosophical disagreement about whether the family should be put under a curse or whether it’s better to just use magic to protect themselves from the noise. One witch thinks the family should be punished–that they should have consequences for their actions, and that it would be better for the world at large if these kids learn that their screaming affects other people, perhaps making them better people in the future. The other witch thinks it’s not up to them to bring that down upon them, and that punishing them with a curse now will teach them more about fearing witches than about learning to be kind.

I didn’t quite go that direction with the story, but a version of that philosophical disagreement did make it into the story. It’s just that it happens through text messages.

And the whole story happens through written correspondence.

It ended up being something pretty fun and special. I came up with community posts, handwritten door notes, text chats, forum posts, e-mail communications, and more to tell this weird little story of a witch’s curse and the fallout that comes from it–in a modern age where your angry neighbor might post about you on Nextdoor and you might have to go check your behavior on a witch version of “Am I the Asshole?”

It was fun and challenging to come up with different writing styles, chat aliases, forum signatures, profile pics, reactions, you name it. I wrote this thing in one day and more or less finalized its format over the next two days. It’s ready for beta readers, but because of the weird format, I don’t know how many options I’ll have for publication. We’ll see!

Update on short story “Aquarius”

My short story “Aquarius” was accepted for publication in September 2022. The anthology had some work to do to get all the stories finalized and organized, but more than a year later in November 2023 the publisher issued the contracts and payments. In March 2024, the publisher contacted us to say they were finalizing it and getting ready to release. And then, as of today (September 15, 2024), the publisher officially notified all the authors that they were no longer planning to publish the anthology (or anything else by anyone but the editor, ever again).

Weirdly, this is the SECOND time that specific story has sold to an anthology and then the project ended up abandoned. The other one didn’t get to the point of issuing a contract, though.

The interaction with the publisher was definitely the longest drawn out process I’d seen, and there was a lot of confusion–rapidly changing website, placeholders that disappeared without notification, long periods of not answering e-mails and queries–so I guess I’m actually kinda glad it didn’t end up permanently placed there. Though I’m also sure it wasn’t anything they did nefariously or on purpose. Perhaps they just had too many balls in the air.

Anyway, disappointing, but the story’s got to go back on submission. I really like this story and I’d love for it to finally find a real home. Hopefully I’ll be placing it back on the “published” list soon.

Elemental Personality Quiz is working again

My Elemental Personality Quiz wasn’t working for quite a while because the plugin I was using was abandoned by its creator and stopped functioning with my website configuration. Good news: I finally found a new one that works!

The Elemental Personality Quiz has been part of my “Extras” section since I first started my site, and it’s remained one of the most popular places people visit! I decided to make a special effort to find a solution today because it’s associated with my fantasy series Bad Fairy and I’ve had that story on the brain lately. The protagonist of the series has a very formative “elemental studies” program in her fairy school education, and it seems to be one of the things test readers pointed out as enjoying and remembering the most. So I made the elemental quiz as a tie-in for my readers to enjoy.

Y’all should go take the quiz and see what type you are now that it’s working again!

New Short Story: “Heard”

New short story. I jotted down some ideas for this short story back in May when they first occurred to me but I was too tired or busy to actually write the story. And today I thought, welp, why don’t I write it.

I love when I write down notes for a story and actually do come back to it. It’s especially nice when all the notes come together into something relatively cohesive, coherent, and concise.

(Yes, concise. Your long-blathering author has written a 2,400-word short story for once.)

This one feels pretty personal. The details of the story all have their roots in something that happened to me, though as the details actually bloomed, they’re not the same colors or shapes as the real-life versions.

It’s about hypothetical questions, illness, sexism, disability, assumptions, and not being heard by a friend.


Blurb Written: The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide

Jessica Kingsley Publishers invited me to read The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide: Making It Work in Friendship, Love, and Sex and provide a blurb. Please check this book out if you or someone you know would like relationship advice from an asexual and/or aromantic point of view.


Book info:

Title: The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide: Making It Work in Friendship, Love, and Sex
Cody Daigle-Orians
ISBN: 9781839977343
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Release Date: October 21, 2024

My blurb:

The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide is a comprehensive beginning for asexual and aromantic seekers to develop better relationships. Regardless of whether you’re troubleshooting a current relationship or you’re just beginning your aspec journey and don’t know how to approach relationships, this guide will examine and deconstruct harmful norms, teach you to value and defend your boundaries and needs, and open your mind to the incredible variety of relationship options that are very much available to people like us. An excellent starting point for how to think about partnership from an ace/aro perspective.

New Short Story: “A Shadow to Light”

I wrote a new short story that changed its name a few times before I tentatively settled on “A Shadow to Light.” It’s about 6,000 words. I wrote its first draft in two days.

This is an unusual one because it’s the first time I wrote a short story based on a longer story. (I’ve done the reverse multiple times.) In short, this story is an expanded and embellished retelling of a short arc from my webcomic, Negative One. The words aren’t the same and the action has some differences, but the characters are the same and they’re all in the same situation they were.

I decided to write this after getting most of the way through the book of short stories I was reading in my leisure time. Weirdly, I was inspired by the book because I didn’t actually like it.

I’ve been reading Magic For Beginners by Kelly Link. The short stories are all a little surreal and it’s not just the subject matter. They aren’t bad stories at all but I can pretty decidedly say they aren’t for me. But I looked up some interviews with the author because I was curious as to why she writes the way she does, and I pretty quickly found something that explained it: her stories grow out of a concept she likes. You can really tell that the story exists so the author and the readers can swim around in that concept.

And even though I didn’t enjoy the book of stories as much as I wanted to, I wondered whether ideas I’ve written could support a story that’s more about an idea than it is about a character or a series of actions.

In writing “A Shadow to Light,” I did not succeed in keeping it mainly to the concept because I just always end up leaning into letting the characters carry it, but at least the kernel of the idea was inspired by the same process I was going for. I also figured that Kelly Link’s extreme weirdness and lack of closure did not stop her from being successful with these stories, so there was no reason I need all of my stories to be traditional beginning/middle/end journeys or cohesively presented buildings with their architectural plans all in order either. So it’s a little loose, a little inconclusive, a little bit more about a moment.

We’ll see how it goes.

Interview: Modern Pleasure

I was a guest on the podcast Modern Pleasure. We had a good conversation that was nuanced while still being accessible to people who don’t know much about asexuality. Very interesting discussions of negotiating sex in mixed-orientation relationships and how people might figure out they’re asexual.



Julie Sondra Decker, author of the book The Invisible Orientation, and strong advocate for the asexual community sits down for an in depth conversation with Dr. Jenni and Kim.

You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or your check it out on your favorite podcatcher.

Interview: Reimagining Spinsterhood

I was a guest on the podcast Reimagining Spinsterhood. Lucy Meggeson interviewed me for a lovely chat about the experience of asexuality and the threads we share with perpetually single people.


In this week’s episode, I’m talking to the fabulous Julie Sondra Decker. Julie Sondra Decker, is an author from Tampa, Florida. She writes fiction for adults and children—usually speculative fiction, fantasy, and science fiction—and she is widely known for her nonfiction work in asexuality awareness activism. Her nonfiction title, The Invisible Orientation, was released in September 2014.

You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or your check it out on your favorite podcatcher.


Ace Week 2023: Asexual Characters in Fiction

I’m doing a live YouTube event to celebrate Ace Week on Friday, October 27, 2023, at 7:30 PM Eastern. I’ll be discussing asexual characters in fiction.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and I’ll read out examples of ace characters that viewers have encountered. Will discuss if the representation is good and what we want to see more of in ace fiction! The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel: