
This page is a list of all my media appearances, speaking engagements,  mentions, recognitions, and reviews of The Invisible Orientation. (It does not include pieces written by me, which can be found on the articles page.)

If you are a media representative or event organizer who wants to make a proposal to include me in a presentation, interview, or show, contact me here.



Magazine Interviews/Mentions

Blog Interviews/Guest Posts/Mentions

Blurbs and Endorsements (by me)

Academic Papers and Journals

Video News, Television, and Film


Speaking Engagements/Appearances (including upcoming)

7 thoughts on “Media

  1. Hi Julie

    My name is Brian Moss, I’m a freelance radio presenter and producer based in Dublin Ireland. I recently discovered your book on asexuality and found it very interesting and was hoping to speak with you on my radio show this Saturday. I present the Saturday mix on Dublin South FM, one of Dublin’s most listened to stations. The interview would be pre-recorded for about 10 minutes or so at about 2 pm Irish time. Julie I hope you can find time to talk to us we would be delighted to have you on the show.

    Warm Regards

  2. Hi, my name is Sarah Withrow, and I am with an organization called Have a Gay Day in Dayton, Oh. We are hosting a program on asexual education in September, and I was looking for speakers for the event. I have watched your Youtube videos and am a fan so I thought that you would be a great choice. Right now I am just finding out the prices for speakers, but would be really excited to have you come speak.

    • Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment–I’m not able to do events in September this year because I’m in the middle of moving to a new home, but I appreciate your interest. Keep me in mind for next time if it’s a possibility!

  3. Hi Ms. Decker, I was wondering if you were available to potentially come speak at Mount Holyoke College this spring? Thank you very much!

  4. Hello Julie,

    I’m an epidemiologist at CDC and a faculty member at George Washington University in Washington, DC. I’m going to be teaching a new online course at GWU on the epidemiology of LGBTQIA+ health this fall, and I was wondering if you would consider speaking online with my students at one of the class sessions in November. I learned a lot from The Invisible Orientation, and I think my students would really benefit from hearing your perspective on the issues you’ve covered in your work.

    I’d be grateful if you’d consider speaking to my students for 30 minutes or so — or longer if you’d like. They are masters and PhD students in epidemiology. If you this might be possible, I could tell you more about the class on another email.



    • It’s possible I could be involved after a discussion of the terms and desired content–please use the contact info page to send me some more info about your thoughts. Thanks for the positive commentary on my book.

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