This page is a list of all my media appearances, speaking engagements, mentions, recognitions, and reviews of The Invisible Orientation. (It does not include pieces written by me, which can be found on the articles page.)
If you are a media representative or event organizer who wants to make a proposal to include me in a presentation, interview, or show, contact me here.
- Lambda Literary Award 2014 Finalist in LGBT Nonfiction
- Foreword Reviews’ INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award 2014 Finalist in Family & Relationships
- Independent Publisher Book Awards 2015 (IPPY) Silver Medal in Sexuality/Relationships
- Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2015 Winner in LGBT
- TIME Magazine: “How to Tell If You Are Asexual”
- Library Journal: Starred Review
- Mark Carrigan: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- The Bibliophibian: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- The Sociological Imagination: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Davy Dave: Video Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Queenie, Concept Awesome: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Sciatrix, The Asexual Agenda: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Queen of Carven Stone: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Kendra Holliday, The Beautiful Kind: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- darkemeralds, The Ink-Pot and the Palette: Thoughts on The Invisible Orientation
- Sara, Asexuality in a Sexual World: Thoughts on The Invisible Orientation: Introduction; Chapter One; Chapter Two Part One; Chapter Two Part Two; Chapter Two Part Three
- Ria, Bibliotropic: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Rocco Sansone, Review Fix: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Ace, Ace, Baby: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Alison, An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge: Three Books on Asexuality
- Fiammetta de Bornelh, fructus dulces: Review of The Invisible Orientation [German]
- Evening Assam, Morning Pu-er: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Elizabeth Leuw, Prismatic Entanglements: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Ian Wood, Novellum: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Romeo Vitelli, Providentia: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Frances, bitter 20-something: Review of The Invisible Orientation
- Jesse O Heiman, Excuse the Quality: Review of The Invisible Orientation (at the bottom of November’s reviews)
- BookNerdTV YouTube: Book Review: The Invisible Orientation
- Lily R, L. Rugo Reads: Get Rec’d: “The Invisible Orientation”
- Other individual reviews on Amazon, Audible, and Goodreads
Magazine Interviews/Mentions
- The Knot: “Everything You Need to Know About Asexuality (But Didn’t Want to Ask)”
- USA Today: “Paris Hilton thought she was asexual before husband Carter Reum”
- The LaSallian: “A look into the spectrum: Affirming asexual narratives”
- San José State University News: “Asexuality deserves recognition; content creators: all sexual identities”
- SELF: “10 Facts About Asexuality That Dispel Harmful Myths”
- Geeks OUT: “Interview with Author Julie Sondra Decker”
- Slate: How to Do It column (response to “Heat of the Moment”)
- Smash Pages: “Q&A Julie Sondra Decker” (on webcomics)
- BuzzFeed News: “When You’re an Asexual Assault Survivor, It’s Even Harder to Be Heard”
- Convergence: “I’d rather eat cake”
- Tech Insider: “What it’s like to be completely asexual”
- A Plus: “The Asexuality Movement Is Gaining Ground”
- US News and World Report: “Asexuality: The Invisible Orientation?”
- The Varsity: “It’s not easy being ace”
- Yorokobu: “Los asexuales reivindican su hueco” (translation here)
- Maclean’s: “No sex please—it’s boring”
- Washington Post: “Asexuals seek to raise awareness of the ‘invisible orientation’”
- Review Fix: “Julie Sondra Decker Talks ‘The Invisible Orientation’”
- Marie Claire UK: “The Asexuals” (reprinted in Marie Claire South Africa)
- YourTango: “Asexual Awareness 101: Debunking Myths And Misconceptions”
- New York Times: “Why Asexuals Don’t Want to Be Invisible Anymore”
- Salon: “You’re about as sexually attractive to me as a turtle: Coming out as asexual in a hypersexual culture”
- The Fulcrum: “The Forgotten Preference”
- Georgia Political Review: “The Invisible Orientation”
- The Varsity: “Toronto hosts second-ever International Asexuality Conference”
- Best and Best Daily: “I’m a 35 year old virgin”
- The Huffington Post: “‘Asexuality: An Overview’ By Julie Decker Explains A Frequently Misunderstood Identity”
- The Daily Mail: “Asexual woman on how she never has, and never will, have sex”
- Copycat article Digital Journal: “An asexual activist speaks out”
- Copycat article 7sur7: “Elle n’a jamais fait l’amour et ne le fera sans doute jamais”
- Copycat article Elu24: “Aseksuaalne naine: meeste arvates tuleks mind ära vägistada”
- Copycat article ¿Qué Más?: “Asexual woman says she’s never had sex & never will”
- Copycat article Nigeria News: “I Have Never, and Will Never Have Sex”
- Copycat article Joint Arena: “I have never had sex and I never will”
- Copycat article The Hollywood Gossip: “Julie Sondra Decker Discusses Being Asexual”
- South Florida Gay News: “We Are Interlopers”
- The Huffington Post: “Asexuality: The ‘X’ In A Sexual World” (Quoted in Part 4 and Part 5)
- 429Magazine: “Acknowledging asexuality on the queer spectrum”
- Drake Magazine: “Shedding light on asexuality”
- Marie Claire: “The Opposite of Sex”
- The Daily Beast: “No Sex? No Problem”
- Salon: “Asexual and Proud”
Blog Interviews/Guest Posts/Mentions
- DiversifYA: “DiversiTheme: The Invisible Orientation” (Guest Post)
- Why/Why Not, SL Huang: “The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality”
- Left to Write: Awesomesauce Authors: “An Interview with Julie Sondra Decker!”
- YA Interrobang: Dragons Raging: “Julie Sondra Decker & Asexuality”
- The Dish: “She’s Just Not That Into Anyone” (excerpted from The Toast article I wrote)
- DiversifYA: “Julie Sondra Decker (Asexuality)”
- Israeli Asexual Forum: “Swankivy הראיון עם” (“Interview with Swankivy”)
- Asexual News: “Asexuals need real-world understanding”
Blurbs and Endorsements (by me)
- The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide: Making It Work in Friendship, Love, and Sex: Cody Daigle-Orians (Pub: October 2024)
- Ace and Aro Journeys: A Guide to Embracing Your Asexual or Aromantic Identity: The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (Pub: April 2023)
- Ace Notes: Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World: Michele Kirichanskaya (Pub: March 2023)
- Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex: Angela Chen (Pub: September 2020)
Academic Papers and Journals
- Stanford Law Review: “Compulsory Sexuality” by Elizabeth Emens (cited several times)
- Contemporary Sexuality, Volume 39, No. 11: “Asexuality Gets More Attention, But Is It a Sexual Orientation?” (quoted liberally)
Video News, Television, and Film
- (A)sexual: Prominent interviewee in documentary
- Weekend Sunrise: Appeared on Australian television discussing the new book and various asexual experiences
- HuffPost Live: Asexual Pride panel discussion
- CTV: Appeared on Canadian national television–spoke on asexuality conference/asexual experience
- Huffington Post: Asexual Awareness Week coverage (featuring a collaborative video I was in, with a quote from me in the story)
- Pieces of Ace: An informal YouTube video interview with the Pieces of Ace crew for AAW.
- The Morning Show: Mentioned (but did not appear) on “Understanding Asexuality” segment by sexologist Nikki Goldstein
- Modern Pleasure—Asexuality
- Spinsterhood Reimagined—Asexuality as relating to singlehood
- Flow—The Silencing of Asexuals
- Graying Rainbows—GR 52 Asexuality with Julie Sondra Decker
- Where’s My Jetpack—”Pride” feature on queer activism and Steven Universe: Part 1 and Part 2
- Sexperts—Asexuality segment on “Different Strokes” podcast (starts at 41:00)
- Pleasure Mechanics—Asexuality: The Invisible Orientation
- BBC Radio Berkshire—Asexuality segment (recording not available)
- BBC World Service—Asexuality segment (starts at 22:40)
- WNPR’s Colin McEnroe show—How Asexuals View the World segment
- The Authority Smashing! Hour—Asexuality segment
- The Webcomic Beacon—Cast Diversity segment
- Friday Night Lip Service: Mentioned (but did not appear) on a couple asexuality-themed shows (May 16, 2014 & February 6, 2015) with a plug for my book, with an extended discussion of the asexuality allies chapter in a book club segment posted April 22, 2016.
Speaking Engagements/Appearances (including upcoming)
- I AM ACE: A Panel Discussion on Asexuality with CODY DAIGLE-ORIANS, ASHABI OWAGBORIAYE, and JULIE SONDRA DECKER, Panel at A Room of One’s Own, March 2023, Appearance by Crowdcast
- Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People, Panel at University of Massachusetts Amherst, SpACE+ and the Stonewall Center, November 2021, Appearance by Zoom
- “Pitch Wars and Approaching Traditional Publication”: Informal talk at University of South Florida for youth writing workshop WIND, June 2019
- Unthinking Sex, Imagining Asexuality, Book Celebration at Little Sister’s Book and Art Emporium, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: April 2019, Appearance by Skype
- Asexuality and the LGBTQ+ Community: Past, Present, and Future, LGBTQ History Month at Wellesley College, October 2018
- North American Asexuality Conference, Toronto, June 2015
- Asexual/Aromantic Spectrum and Queer Inclusion, Spring Pride Week at University of Minnesota, April 2015
- Asexuality Conference, WorldPride in Toronto, June 2014
- Asexual Relationships, Pride Week at University of Virginia, April 2014
- Inclusivity and Asexuality, IvyQ Conference at Princeton, February 2014
- Asexual Voices Panel, Creating Change Conference, January 2013
Hi Julie
My name is Brian Moss, I’m a freelance radio presenter and producer based in Dublin Ireland. I recently discovered your book on asexuality and found it very interesting and was hoping to speak with you on my radio show this Saturday. I present the Saturday mix on Dublin South FM, one of Dublin’s most listened to stations. The interview would be pre-recorded for about 10 minutes or so at about 2 pm Irish time. Julie I hope you can find time to talk to us we would be delighted to have you on the show.
Warm Regards
Hi, my name is Sarah Withrow, and I am with an organization called Have a Gay Day in Dayton, Oh. We are hosting a program on asexual education in September, and I was looking for speakers for the event. I have watched your Youtube videos and am a fan so I thought that you would be a great choice. Right now I am just finding out the prices for speakers, but would be really excited to have you come speak.
Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment–I’m not able to do events in September this year because I’m in the middle of moving to a new home, but I appreciate your interest. Keep me in mind for next time if it’s a possibility!
Hi Ms. Decker, I was wondering if you were available to potentially come speak at Mount Holyoke College this spring? Thank you very much!
Feel free to send me the information about this invitation–my e-mail address on the contact page is the best way to discuss these matters. Thanks!
Hello Julie,
I’m an epidemiologist at CDC and a faculty member at George Washington University in Washington, DC. I’m going to be teaching a new online course at GWU on the epidemiology of LGBTQIA+ health this fall, and I was wondering if you would consider speaking online with my students at one of the class sessions in November. I learned a lot from The Invisible Orientation, and I think my students would really benefit from hearing your perspective on the issues you’ve covered in your work.
I’d be grateful if you’d consider speaking to my students for 30 minutes or so — or longer if you’d like. They are masters and PhD students in epidemiology. If you this might be possible, I could tell you more about the class on another email.
It’s possible I could be involved after a discussion of the terms and desired content–please use the contact info page to send me some more info about your thoughts. Thanks for the positive commentary on my book.