Upcoming Appearance: A Room of One’s Own I AM ACE Panel Discussion

I will be making an appearance via Crowdcast at A Room of One’s Own as a panelist with Cody Daigle-Orians and Ashabi Owagboriaye, two other ace activists. Cody’s new book I AM ACE is being celebrated and we will all discuss asexuality, related topics, and activism. We also expect to take questions and comments from participants.

Please join us on March 6, 2023, 7 PM Eastern / 6 PM Central.

You can register here:


Powell’s Bookmark

The Invisible Orientation is one of a small number of LGBTQIA+ books honored on a Powell’s bookmark this month in association with its Pride program. 🙂 Thank you to Nicholas Yandell at Powell’s!

Please see these tweets from Nicholas Yandell for other resources:


Interview: Geeks OUT

It was lovely to be a part of an in-depth article on asexuality and aromanticism over at Geeks OUT.


This long-form print interview discusses identity discovery and coming out, the pressures of writing a book, the shifting environment surrounding asexuality’s reception in society and media, the evolution of the ace-spectrum community, and media/upcoming projects.

French Edition: The Invisible Orientation

The Invisible Orientation is now available in a French translation.

This is a translation of the original material with some very nice formatting and additions.

But it is available in bookstores, through the French publisher (Alliance Magique, Améthyste Éditions, Pluriel·les), and through its French Amazon page.

French title: Asexualité – Comprendre l’orientation invisible.

Publishing Date: July 8, 2021.

An Ace Evening with Swankivy 2020

I’m doing a live YouTube event today to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. I’ll be kicking it off with some thoughts I have on asexuality-related nonfiction.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel: An Ace Evening with Swankivy 2020!


An Ace Evening with Swankivy

I’m doing a live YouTube event (my first time!) to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. I’ll just be sitting down to an evening with my webcam and I’ll start by sharing some discussions of how media handles asexuality, good or bad.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. It’s a chance to talk to a pretty seasoned ace activist about subjects that might not be covered all that commonly, but it’s also fine if the talks devolve a little into other things. I’ll try to keep it mostly on topic but there’s no telling what will happen.

You can sign up for a reminder and tune in 8 PM Eastern on Friday, October 25. The finished video will appear here when the event is over.

Japanese Edition: The Invisible Orientation

The Invisible Orientation is now available in a Japanese translation.

This is a translation of the original material and is still a Western conception of the culture and concepts of asexuality. Its content has not been localized.

But it is available in bookstores and through its Japanese Amazon page.

My sister, whose husband is from Japan and has relatives there, recently found the book in a bookstore and bought a copy. Here it is in the wild, with photos from her Instagram. 🙂


Upcoming Appearance: “Unthinking Sex, Imagining Asexuality”

For anyone who might be interested, I’ll be appearing through Skype at an event called “Unthinking Sex, Imagining Asexuality” as one member of a book panel at Little Sister’s Book and Art Emporium, April 27, 2019, 7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time. This is in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

It was not practical for me to make the trip this year, so I’ll only be there virtually, discussing my book in the distinguished company of other asexuality authors Ela Przybylo, Lauren Jankowski, and Angel Chen.

My book will be available for purchase during and after the event.

Podcast discussion: The Invisible Orientation

My book was the subject of an in-depth discussion on the Friday Night Lip Service podcast. Friday Night Lip Service is described as “An amazing group of talented queer women who are driven to make the world a better, happier and more peaceful place via the magic of radio.” Sometimes they discuss books, and mine was their selection for this episode.

This was recorded some time back but was only recently made available in this format.

The discussion:

#51 Lip Readings: The Invisible Orientation

Asexual host Daria as well as non-asexual hosts Nicky and Nida primarily focus on the chapter of my book that covers non-asexual allies. It was a lovely, positive discussion with some humor and plenty of personal experience sharing.