- (A)sexual: This is a documentary about asexual people, released by indie group Arts Engine. It used to be called Asexuality: The Making of a Movement, and it has a trailer. I am in this movie. It can be found on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, Vudu, Xbox Live, and PlayStation.
- CTV–A Similar Fight: I was on Canadian national news to discuss the Toronto asexuality conference.
- Weekend Sunrise: Attracted to No One: I was on an Australian news show to discuss my book and the asexual experience.
- HuffPost Live Asexual Pride feature: Interview hosted by Ricky Camilerri, including sex researcher Lori Brotto, journalist Dominique Mosbergen, and asexual activists David Jay, Micah R., and me.
- Triple J TV’s spot on asexuality on YouTube.
- AVEN members do a spot on 20/20, in March 2006.
- Asexuality on Montel: Excerpts from Montel’s show on the subject.
- Fox News Dayside spot, shown April 3, 2006.
- Asexuality on The View, on January 15, 2006.
- CNN Showbiz Tonight: April 5, 2006.
- Tucker Carlson does an interview with David Jay on March 27, 2006.
- Fanny Kiefer Show includes Dr. David McKenzie to discuss asexuality and sexual orientation.
- Natalie Cassidy’s Real Britain includes some perspectives from asexual people in a three-part YouTube video.
- France 24: Let’s talk about sex feature.
- Asexuality on The Morning Show, Australia: A sexologist explains asexuality briefly to some rather giggly morning show hosts. I’m mentioned.
- The Asexual Community: Dominique Mosbergen is interviewed on Huffpost Live regarding what she’s trying to accomplish in her six-part article on the asexual movement, with some brief information about the community and their experiences.
- Young and Asexual: MTV video about the subject.
- Understanding Asexuality: Kevin Newman Live has Victoria Ptashnick interview Amy de Vos about her own experience of asexuality.
- Shortland Street, a New Zealand soap opera, has an asexual character, and you can watch the asexuality-related parts of the show strung together on this YouTube playlist.
- Ben Rosen on Asexuality: Ben talks about what it’s like being asexual on What’s My Name. Short preview is available for free.
- Jo Qualmann on Living without sexual attraction: On SBS2Australia (The Feed).
- GirlfriendsTV did a miniseries on asexuality. The three videos were Do asexuals masturbate, Do asexuals have sex, and Asexual lesbian / romantic orientation.
- 5 Asexuality Experiences: Sexplanations with Dr. Lindsey Doe discusses asexuality.
- In an episode of Huge, camp counselor Poppy announces nonchalantly that she is asexual, and it’s handled well.
- Asexual Media Archives: A collected archive of many asexual media appearances.
- Idea City 2012: David Jay does a speech in Canada.
- Rated X: An asexuality documentary. (X refers to the value for asexuality on the Kinsey Scale.)
- What’s it like being asexual in your twenties?: Fusion media network profiles some young asexual people for a four-minute crash-course with real people talking frankly about their orientation in New York.
- Taking the Cake: A short documentary about various asexual people’s experiences, sensitively handled.
- David Jay at Idea City: From August 13, 2015. David talks about culture and sexuality and how we fit in as asexual people.
- Ace & Aro Zines as Community History and Community Building at WorldPride 2019: From September 2019, by Olivia Montoya.
- Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People: UMass Amherst hosts a panel to discuss asexuality and aromanticism, November 2021.
- Book Panel: A Room of One’s Own I AM ACE Panel Discussion: From March 2023, a panel by A Room of One’s Own for the new book I AM ACE by Cody Daigle-Orians. I attended as a panelist with Cody and Ashabi Owagboriaye.
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