Powell’s Bookmark

The Invisible Orientation is one of a small number of LGBTQIA+ books honored on a Powell’s bookmark this month in association with its Pride program. 🙂 Thank you to Nicholas Yandell at Powell’s!

Please see these tweets from Nicholas Yandell for other resources:


Interview: San José State University News

Interview: San José State University News

San JosĂ© State University News interviewed several asexual people (myself included) in an article called “Asexuality deserves recognition; content creators: all sexual identities.”

This print interview discusses asexual people’s experiences coming to an ace identity and how we are getting more visibility. The article is by Amani Hamed. Also interviewed are Cody Daigle-Orians and CJ George.


Spoke at “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People”

I was a featured speaker at the “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People” panel at the University of Massachusetts’ Stonewall Center, sponsored by SpACE+ (the ace-spectrum group at the university). This panel, organized by Genny Beemyn, featured Yasmin Benoit, August Huber, Leon Friedman, and me.

Interview: SELF

Interview: SELF Magazine

SELF Magazine interviewed several asexual people (myself included) to discuss “10 Facts About Asexuality That Help Dispel Harmful Myths.

This long-form print interview discusses what misconceptions asexual people face and educates readers on how to avoid them. The article is by Julie Kliegman. Also interviewed are KJ Cerankowski, Angela Chen, Sherronda J. Brown, Ben Kantt, and David Jay.


I was a little disappointed that the article included this mistake about me: “In addition to identifying as asexual, Decker says she’s romantic, and because of this, people mistakenly assume some very hurtful things about why she isn’t in a relationship.” That should say “aromantic.” I didn’t say I’m romantic. Maybe it was autocorrect.

Upcoming Appearance: “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People”

I will be a featured speaker at the upcoming “Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People” panel at the University of Massachusetts’ Stonewall Center, sponsored by SpACE+ (the ace-spectrum group at the university). You can preregister to attend the virtual panel and watch it live: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 6 PM Eastern.

Ace Week 2021: Asexual and Aromantic Adulthood


I’m doing a live YouTube event to celebrate Ace Week on Friday, October 29, 2021, at 7 PM Eastern. I’ll be discussing mature life as an aromantic and asexual person.

Subscribers and interested parties can chime in live in the attached chat, and if appropriate, I will address whatever they’d like to talk about. The video will be available to rewatch if you miss the event.

You can tune in on my YouTube Channel: Ace Week with Swankivy: Asexual and Aromantic Adulthood!


Interview: Geeks OUT

It was lovely to be a part of an in-depth article on asexuality and aromanticism over at Geeks OUT.


This long-form print interview discusses identity discovery and coming out, the pressures of writing a book, the shifting environment surrounding asexuality’s reception in society and media, the evolution of the ace-spectrum community, and media/upcoming projects.

French Edition: The Invisible Orientation

The Invisible Orientation is now available in a French translation.

This is a translation of the original material with some very nice formatting and additions.

But it is available in bookstores, through the French publisher (Alliance Magique, Améthyste Éditions, Pluriel·les), and through its French Amazon page.

French title: Asexualité – Comprendre l’orientation invisible.

Publishing Date: July 8, 2021.

Interviewed on Graying Rainbows: Asexuality

I was a guest on the podcast Graying Rainbows. Episode 52 discusses asexuality. Ginger Campbell hosted a lovely, sensitive interview with me.

This episode is an interview with Julie Sondra Decker, author of “The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality.” Most people acknowledge that sexual orientations includes homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals, but there is actually a fourth possibility. A person who identifies as asexual does not feel sexual attraction to anyone. Unfortunately, many assume that this represents a disease when actually it is part of normal human diversity. We discuss what asexuality IS as well as what it is NOT. Asexuality is about attraction NOT behavior.

Our goal is to embrace human diversity and acknowledge that each person’s identity should be respected as equally valid. If the idea of asexuality is new to you, I hope you will listen to this informative interview.

You can listen to the interview on Graying Rainbows’ website or check it out on their YouTube channel.