Video: Writing to Gender

Today I’m sharing a video about gender’s role in determining what we write and how we sell what we write.

The thrust of this video is that I encourage people to be aware how gendered media frequently is in terms of how it portrays certain genders in fiction and how it’s marketed, and what I think we can do to write our fiction to avoid perpetuating stereotypes and making media more inclusive.

Video: “Misunderstood Genius”

Here’s one about an uncomfortable subject: how your rejections or failures in publishing are not best handled by assuming the world is simply unable to comprehend the staggering genius that is you.

It sounds kind of mean phrased like that, but now that I’ve come across two different people in a very short time who sent completely un-self-aware commentary into the blogosphere about how nobody seems to realize they’re rejecting a True Writer On Par With Thoreau, I decided a video was in order. This gives perspective on still being positive and motivated while chasing publication or representation, but not giving into bitterness that leads you to believe the real problem is Everyone In the World Except You.



Video: Writing Villains and Antagonists

I decided to do a video with tips and thoughts on writing antagonists, villains, and interpersonal conflict.

I give you several exercises to help you make your villains believable, some motivations to try, some experiments to do, and some examples that display the kind of complex and nuanced interaction I want to see between protagonists and their antagonists.

Video: Writing Diverse Characters

I’m revisiting the topic of writing diverse characters (with a focus on my specialty, asexuality!) in this video:

The content is not 100% original because I’m just sharing some excerpts I wrote from blog posts that were featured on a diverse-writing-related blog some time ago. But I’m giving perspective on why diverse characters are important and some pointers on how to write them.

Video: Choices in Publishing

This month’s video deals with choices we as writers have to make in publishing—specifically with regards to publishing paths. We receive many messages about what you “have to” do if you want to be published, but many of them are elements of mainstream publishing, which isn’t the only option for today’s writers. Here is a video discussing my thoughts on what to take into consideration when picking a publishing path.

Video: Why Editing Is So Important

Just a quick unprofessional video telling you why it’s important to be professional when you submit your work to agents or publishers!

This video explains the philosophy behind why authors should not assume the message or the story is going to be so fantastic that it will eclipse the need for basic language skills. Good stories can be and will be rejected sometimes because their execution is messy.

The message: If you are not so great at this, please get a proofreader, and NEVER assume you’re going to be the exception.