Finished a new short story called “Protector.” Sort of surreal fiction, at about 2,500 words. Science fiction, experimental fiction, something.
The protagonist lives in a sort of communal building with his gang. He has no idea how he got to be living there, why he lives there, or even who he lives with. He has problems with his memory; he doesn’t seem to be able to remember even things that happened just a few minutes ago, much less hours or days. It makes his life sort of a moment-to-moment experience, and his one comfort is his girlfriend Bonne, whom he remembers more vividly than anyone else. He also seems to have some kind of ability or special power but he is unaware of what it is. He uses it to protect his gang but doesn’t know what it is he is doing to be “special.” This story is just a typical day in his life.
The story has a lot of foul language and a sort of meandering style of storytelling, but maybe it’s publishable. I based it on a weird dream I had.