There aren’t any traditionally published laymen’s books about asexuality, so I decided I’m just the girl to write one.
After all, I’ve been interviewed in magazines, radio, and visual media. I’ve made helpful videos on YouTube and have nearly 1,500 subscribers. I’m followed by a lot of people on Tumblr and LiveJournal and AVEN regarding asexuality. So, since “who you are” matters more in selling a nonfiction book than what you’ve actually written, I decided if anyone’s qualified to write one it’s me. And I’ve begun to do so.
This one won’t be handled the same way I’ve handled my fiction, though. Nonfiction books are often sold based on the idea/the author, and often get purchased before they’re written. I plan to have a first draft before I query, but I also don’t intend to solicit a test audience until or unless I find representation or a publisher for it. I will be querying agents, though, even though you don’t necessarily need one for nonfiction, because I feel more comfortable doing it that way.
This is going to be FAST because I’ve said all this stuff before and I just have to figure out how to organize it.